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  • English: Native 
  • Spanish: Moderate
  • Taiwanese: Beginner

I am passionate about problem-solving. I like nothing more than being given a challenge to think my way through, and that is what draws me to software engineering. I’ve always had an interest in all things technological, especially machine learning, AI and more recently cloud computing.


Research experience

I was a researcher in Computational Topology, specialising in Topological Data Analysis. I am interested in most branches of pure mathematics, as well as data modelling and analysis, including a longheld interest in financial modelling.

Programming language/ skills



       C/C++, Python, MatLab, LabLVIEW


Working Knowledge:

       C#.NET, Haskell, VBA, LATEX


Basic Experience:

       HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JAVA, Ruby, AJAX, JSON, SQL



Software Developing Tools



     Visual Studio, Eclipse, IDLE


Working Knowledge:

     Git, BitBucket, Github, Bash, PowerShell, WinGHCI, OpenCV, Boost, CGAL, Visual Studio Code, NotePad++


Basic Experience:

     OpenGL, AWS, Bootstrap, NuGet, MySQL


Network/ Security/ OS experience





Working Knowledge:



Basic Experience:

TCP/IP, OAuth2.0, OpenID Connect, SSL certificate, HTTP, PuTTy



VisionMetric (known largely for their facial composite software E-Fit) offered an internship aimed at establishing the potential feasibility of a new working model of facial compositing based on individual features. I worked principally alone, but was in close contact with an employee who was working on the same project, but looking at a different aspect. Significant experience with MATLAB was required, as well as working knowledge of simple statistical techniques (PCA etc.). For a short report see

June 2012–August 2012

Research Intern

University of Portsmouth

I worked with the Physics department of Portsmouth University, then newly reopened, to reinstate a module entitled "Microwaves". I mostly went through and updated some old experiments, but towards the end of the internship I used LabVIEW to build an interface for old microwave machines (oscilloscopes, signal generators) to run via HPIB. Shortly thereafter I gained my CLAD certification for LabVIEW

Testing, faultfinding and repairing circuit boards for a small PCB manufacture firm

January 2014–September 2014

PCB Test Engineer

Icon Electronics Ltd

June 2013–September 2013

Software Engineer Intern

VisionMetric Ltd

Responsible for problems classes (including presenting solutions and re-proving theorems from lectures), marking homeworks, and marking progress tests for 3 classes of first year undergraduates. Course page HERE

Responsible for demonstrations, where first year students are taught the fundamentals of Python (2.7) and general programming principles. Course pages HERE and HERE

September 2016- May 2017

Analysis I

Durham University, Mathematics Dpt.

September 2016- May 2017

Programming and Dynamics I

Durham University, Mathematics Dpt.

  • Topological Data Analysis  
  • Computational Geometry
  • Computational Topology
  • Combinatorics
  • Image Ridge Detection
  • Biological Networks
  • Chess (ECF grade 136)
  • Bridge (Trinity Bridge Club)  
  • Poker (mostly online micro-stakes)
  • Crosswords
  • Recreational Programming (Project Euler, LeetCode)
  • Board Games, Puzzle, Juggling, Magic tricks
  • Sports: Badminton, Table Tennis, Squash, Tennis, Running 
  • Image analysis 
  • Statistical Modelling
  • Monte Carlo Simulations
  • Image Ridge Detection
  • Functional Programming
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